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For partners
Categories of Manpower or Personal Available in Vietnam
Ngày đăng: 24/05/2011 - Lượt xem: 925

The Vietnamese workers are renowned for dedication, honestly, hardworking and quality. With blooming job opportunities abroad, specially in the Middle East and other concerned Asia countries Vietnamese Human Resources became first choice due to their ability to perform assigned duty in an effective way.

Categories of Manpower or Personnel Available in Vietnam for foreign Employment


-          Engineers: Civil, Electrical, Medical

-          Architects/ Planners

-          Chartered/ Cost Account

Skilled Technicians

-          Junior Engineers/ Technicians in engineering technologies

-          Male and female nurses

-          Laboratory technicians

-          Plant operators: Electrical/ Mechanical/ Civil

-          Foremen: Electrical/ Mechanical/ Civil

-          Civil construction supervisor/ overseers/ estimators

-          Electrical L.T. & H.T

-          Welders, Gas/ Electric

-          Carpenters/ Cabinet makers

-          Steel Fixers/ Riggers/ Tool makers

-          Mechanics: heavy/ Light equipment/ Air conditioner/ Automobile

-          Masons/ Tile Fixers/ Plasterers

-          Plumbers/ Pipe fitters

-          Scaffolding workers

-          Drivers: heavy/ light

-          Catering personnel: Cooks/ waiters/ cleaners/ captains

-          Hotel personnel: cooks/ waiters/ cleaners/ captains

-          Computer operators

-          Security personnel

-          Salesmen, tailors, laundry-men

Semi Skilled

-          Electric helpers

-          Mechanic helpers

-          Erection helpers

-          Carpenters/ shutters

-          Mason helpers/ concrete mixer operator

-          Pump operators/ helpers

-          Block makers/ helpers

-          Asst. cook/ kitchen helpers

-          Laundry men/ washer men

-          Barbers

-          Tailors

-          Shop assistants

-          Trekker/ loaders

-          Gardeners


-          Laborers

-          Cleaners

-          Sweepers

-          Watchmen/ guards

-          Agriculture labor/ farmers

-          Industrial laborers

-          Peons/ office boy

-          Airport loaders/ ship loaders

国际人力与建筑., JSC (NIBELC)
总公司: National Road 1A, Km 10 Ninh Binh - Ha Noi, Gia Tran, Gia Vien, Ninh Binh.
电话:(84 - 4) 33113 686;(84 - 4) 33113 688    手机:0936.553.088       传真
(84 - 4) 33113 669    电子邮件nguyenphan@nibelc.com.vn网站www.nibelc.com.vn