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For partners
Policy to Support the Employees
Ngày đăng: 24/05/2011 - Lượt xem: 1206

The Employees are supported the transportation fees from the local line agencies, organize to our training facilities in every area of Vietnam when they have to gather to study and get the training on the orientation.

Besides the publicize expenditure amount on the recruitment announcement (health checking, accommodation and living cost, visa fee) employees do not have to pay any other costs. The company does not take responsibility on the expenditure amount that employees have to pay besides the amount indicated at the recruitment announcement. The company can coordinate with the local police to support the employees to make the collective passports. The employee has to pay the passport making fee right in accordance with the regulation of the Ministry of Home Affair.

The company provides dossiers to borrow loan from the bank of the employees who have the need to take the loan (the original copy signed between the employees and the company; the Commitment to pay the loan from the monthly, quarterly and yearly incomes of the employees; the Request for disimbursement). For the employees who fail in the health checking and preliminary recruitment, after 4 days since the date of entering class, the Company will return the amount of money paid by the employees deducing the fee for health checking to support vocational training for the employees.

国际人力与建筑., JSC (NIBELC)
总公司: National Road 1A, Km 10 Ninh Binh - Ha Noi, Gia Tran, Gia Vien, Ninh Binh.
电话:(84 - 4) 33113 686;(84 - 4) 33113 688    手机:0936.553.088       传真
(84 - 4) 33113 669    电子邮件nguyenphan@nibelc.com.vn网站www.nibelc.com.vn